Types of Swordtail Fish Feed for Health and Colors - fish-hobbyist

Types of Swordtail Fish Feed for Health and Colors

Types of Swordtail Fish Feed for Health and Colors

Description: types of swordtail fish feed can determine your fish’ health and look. Here are the best foods to pick for your fish.

Swordtail fish in the wild are known as omnivores, meaning that they will devour almost anything. However, choosing types of swordtail fish feed for the aquarium requires more considerations. Whether for personal or business, the foods must contain important nutrition to keep the colors and health.

Best Natural Foods for Swordtail Fish

Swordtail fish eat larvae, algae, plant matters, and insects in their natural habitat. If you keep them in a tank, make sure to mimic this natural diet using various natural foods. The frozen types are also great for easier feeding. 

Some of the best but commonly found foods for swordtails include:

Mosquito larvae

Mosquito larvae are natural foods for swordtails since they originally live in tropical rivers. However, check the regulation in your hometown, since it is illegal to sell or "breed" mosquito larvae in some countries.

Bloodworms and blackworms

Bloodworms and blackworms are popular protein sources for swordtails. They are rich in protein, and the frozen varieties are available at various aquarium supply stores. 


Occasionally, you can give your swordtails fish for an extra protein boost. Make sure to shell them and remove their heads before chopping the meat into small flakes. Shrimps have high protein level and low fat and can help your fish retaining their brilliant colors longer.

Vegetable bits

Vegetables provide additional vitamins and minerals for your fish, and they also mimic the natural omnivore diet of swordtails. You can boil vegetables such as shelled peas, zucchini, or broccoli. Let them sit until cool before chopping them up and feed the bits to fish.

Frozen daphnia

Daphnia are the crustacean genus that live in freshwater, and they are among the natural diets of swordtail fish. You can find frozen daphnia at aquarium supply stores, or culture them for constant feeding sources.

Pellets and dried foods may be practical, but they are not enough to keep your fish healthy and vibrant. Make sure to alternate between natural foods and pellets for healthy fish.

Swordtail Feeding Tips

When boiling food items to feed swordtail fish, make sure to use dechlorinated water. These fish will often reject foods boiled in tap water. You should also check each type of food by plunging the bite-size pieces into a water similar with your aquarium. Swordtails are active swimmer, so ideally, the food bits must float somewhat in the middle, instead of sinking or floating in the surface.

Keeping swordtails in good aquarium is not enough to have healthy fish. Giving the right types of swordtail fish feed will give you healthy, vibrant, and active pets.



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