Stocking of common carp fish seeds in fish ponds - fish-hobbyist

Stocking of common carp fish seeds in fish ponds

Fish seed stocking is one of the initial activities in the business of raising fish in the pond after pond preparation activities (pond cleaning, pond drying, pond fertilization). Fish seed distribution should be done in the morning, afternoon or evening.

If the stocking of fish seeds is carried out during the day, the temperature difference between the fish pond water and the water temperature in the seed transport container will be much different. This temperature difference that is too large can cause stress for the fry and can cause a lot of death in the common carp fry.

Before stocking the fish seeds in the fish pond, the container or bag for transporting the seeds is inserted into the fish pond until the water temperature in the container or transport bag is the same as the water temperature in the fish pond.

To find out the water temperature in the fish pond is the same as the water temperature in the container or bag for transporting fish seeds, which is marked by the discharge of dew in the container or bag of fish seeds.

In the activity of stocking fish seeds, the container or bag of seeds must be poured carefully and slowly into the fish pond. This is done so that the Common carp fry are not stressed.

The journey during the process of sending fish seeds from the place of origin of the seeds to the rearing pond can cause the fry to become weak, so that the chances of fish fry experiencing stress are even greater.

The size of common carp fish stocked in fish ponds is between 8 cm – 12 cm long. The density of stocking fish seeds in rearing activities in soil ponds with a water depth of 120 cm is in the range of 100-150 fish/m2.

if we have a fish pond with an area of ​​200 m2, then the number of fish seeds that are spread is 20.000 - 30.000 fish in one common carp rearing pond.

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