Diseases that Usually Attack Macropodus Opercularis Fish - fish-hobbyist

Diseases that Usually Attack Macropodus Opercularis Fish

Find out common diseases of the fish Macropodus opercularis, the cause of those illnesses, and the right treatment for each of them. Don’t let the disease gets severe, and learn how to deal with it below.

Macropodus opercularis, also known as the Paradise fish, is popular as a small, aggressive, and territorial species. Their vivid red and blue color and long fins make them loved by the fish hobbyists as well. In the wild, this fish habitant rice paddies, ditches, ponds, and irrigational canals. 

Macropodus opercularis is one of the first ornamental fish exported to Europe in 1869 by a French soldier named Gerault. This species is known for being hardy, but it doesn’t mean that they are immune to disease. To learn more about diseases of the fish Macropodus opercularis, keep reading.

Fin Rot

Fin rot is one of the most common diseases among aquarium fish, though this infection is one of the most preventable. Fin rot is caused by Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, or Vibrio bacteria and is usually related to stress. The stress is mostly triggered when the fish adapt to a new environment with other more aggressive fish. The signs of fin rot are frayed fins, inflamed base, and white fin edge; in severe stages, the entire fins rot away. 

If left untreated, fin rot can kill fish. The treatment includes changing water, checking the water pH and temperature, avoiding overfeeding. 

Ichthyobodo Infection

The second diseases of the fish Macropodus opercularis is Ichthyobodosis. Ichthyobodosis is caused by the flagellate parasite Ichthyobodo necator. The parasite seizes the gills and skin of your Paradise Fish. Fish suffering from this disease will show uncommon acts, such as flashing or rubbing against objects. If this condition is left untreated, they will suffer mortality.

To treat your fish from Ichthyobodosis, place them in water that has been filled with salt.  

Bacterial Infections

Besides parasites, bacterial infections are the second most common disease. These diseases are mostly caused by poor diet, bad water conditions, and parasite infestations. Physical injury may also cause bacterial infections. The most common symptoms are open sores or ulcers on the mouth and other body parts, cloudy eyes, ragged fins, and white spots on the fish’s body and fins.

Treating this disease can be tricky. If your fish suffer bacterial infections, make sure to consult to fish health specialist for the correct diagnosis. 

Fungal Infections

Compared to parasites and bacterial, fungal infections are less common. Fungal infections are caused by poor water quality, poor hygiene, other fish’s injury, and dead fish decomposing. This disease will show white cottony swelling on fish, but it can also happen internally. If your fish has fungal infections, quarantine is necessary. Then, give your fish anti-fungal medication to the quarantine tank. 

Those are four common diseases of the fish Macropodus opercularis. Water condition, hygiene, temperature, and a good diet are important aspects to maintain the health of your fish. If one of your fish is contained by one of those diseases, make sure to give them the right and quick treatment.

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