Types of Feed for fish Julidochromis ornatus - fish-hobbyist

Types of Feed for fish Julidochromis ornatus

Meta: To decide the feed for fish Julidochromis ornatus, you must first know their natural diet. After that, you can switch up the options to maintain nutritional value.

Golden Julie is a popular pick among fish keepers and aquarists. Are you planning on adding it to your water tank? Or maybe you have already bought it? 

One of the crucial parts of fishkeeping is providing their dietary feeds. Knowing the alternatives of feed for fish Julidochromis ornatus will give you options if you run out of certain types of feed. Besides, each feed has a different nutritional value and impact on the fish tank’s water. Before we go on to the types of feed, let’s discuss this fish’s diet.

Julidochromis ornatus Natural Diet

In their natural habitat at Lake Tanganyika, Eastern Africa, the Julidochromis ornatus are opportunistic predators in the midwater area. They feed on crustaceans, mollusks, bloodworms, and zooplankton. Sometimes, they can go near the surface to snatch insect larvae. 

As omnivorous fish, they can also consume vegetation (e.g., algae in the wild and bits of spinach in captivity). They eat by opening their mouths downwards. The mouth itself is also adapted to scrape on solid surfaces for food.

Types of Fish Feed in Captivity

After knowing their diet and hunting habits, we can proceed to discuss the types of feed for fish Julidochromis ornatus that are easy to access, from the nearest pet store to online shopping. 

1. Bloodworms

Bloodworms are a popular fish feed commonly used worldwide for omnivorous freshwater fishes. This fish feed comes in a frozen package, often in blocks. It has a long shelf life if stored properly in the freezer. 

Aside from being a great protein source, you can see the fishes actively snatching them in midwater. This keeps the fish active, swimming for food. Packaged bloodworms have gone through freezing treatment, making it a little to no chance of harmful bacteria entering your water tank.

2. Fish Flakes

Fish flakes are a go-to fish feed when you have a communal tank with many different species. This is because the flake starts at the surface, and slowly it will drown and dissolve to the bottom—making all types of fishes that feed from the surface, midwater, and bottom can each get their share of food. 

3. Fish Pellets

Fish pellets are fish feed commonly used for large aquariums, outdoor ponds, and farmed fish. Much like any other fish feed, it also contains many nutritional values needed. Pellets decompose slower than flakes, which is perfect for surface and midwater fishes.


The type of feed for fish Julidochromis ornatus should be a variety. Switching up the fish feed is great for the fish, as they can get complete nutrition. Bloodworms are a go-to; they are less expensive than live food and easy to store and prepare. 

To switch it up, you can choose flakes or pellets, depending on your communal tank. However, go easy on the flakes and pellets because the many leftovers can pollute the water tank. Make sure to wash your hands before and after feeding the fish to prevent any harmful bacteria from entering the water tank.



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