Several countries that import Oreochromis spp - fish-hobbyist

Several countries that import Oreochromis spp

Oreochromis spp fish is a type of freshwater fish that has been widely cultivated in the world. This fish is one of the export commodities of fishery products. There are many countries that import Oreochromis spp. Six countries that import Oreochromis spp  that have the largest value in a row in 2022 include: 

1. United State of America at $34,242,000.
2. Ireland at $8,959,000.
3. Canada at $6,501,000.
4. Belgium at $3,725,000.
5. Qatar at $2,584,000.
6. United Arab Emirates at $1,619,000.

Red Tilapia fish (Oreochromis spp)

Oreochromis spp which has HS code 030271 (Fresh or chilled tilapia (Oreochromis spp.)) is widely imported by the United States. When viewed from table 1 below, the United States is the largest importer of Fresh or chilled tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) When viewed in the trade balance column in 2022 the United States has a high trade balance value when compared to the other five importing countries which amounted to $ -27,211,000. 

This characterizes that in the United States for Fresh or chilled tilapia (Oreochromis spp.). The import value is greater than the export value. The high trade balance value characterizes that the need for Fresh or chilled tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) products in the United States is greater, this will be a potential market opportunity for exporters in order to sell or find export destination countries.  Of the six countries listed in the table below, the country that has a low trade balance is the United Arab Emirates with a value of $-1,596,000.

List of importers for the selected product in 2022 
Product : 030271 Fresh or chilled tilapia "Oreochromis spp."

Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics.

Data source:

In the table above, the country with the largest number of imports of Fresh or chilled tilapia (Oreochromis spp) products is occupied by the United States which is 5,832 tons followed by the United Arab Emirates of 2,995 tons, Canada 965 tons, Qatar 722 tons, Belgium 249 tons and Ireland 124 tons. 

Then the country that has the highest average price for Fresh or chilled tilapia products (Oreochromis spp) per ton is Ireland. Ireland has the highest average price when compared to the other six countries at $ 71,672 per ton. And the country that has the lowest average price for Fresh or chilled tilapia (Oreochromis spp) products is in the United Arab Emirates which is $541 per ton.

When viewed in general, imports of fishery products can be influenced by several factors, namely country of origin, market demand, import-export policies, price and quality and economic conditions. 

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