Seven Ways to Do the Maintenance of Discus Fish in the Aquarium - fish-hobbyist

Seven Ways to Do the Maintenance of Discus Fish in the Aquarium

Seeing the school of colorful and healthy discus fish and its mates swim around in the aquarium is such a healing activity. But, if your discus fish is sick, it is getting troublesome and stressful. Here are seven ways to do the maintenance of the discus fish in the aquarium.

1. Selecting the Suitable Tank Mates for your Discus Fish

If you are keen on putting many types of fish with your discus fish together in your aquarium, you need to select the fish, which fit your discus fish. Some fish species like the ancistrus, clown loaches, corydoras catfish, German blue rams, glowlight tetras, rosy tetras, and rummy nose tetras can be the alternative mates.

2. Cleaning your Aquarium Tank 

Keep cleaning your aquarium is one of the best ways to maintain the discus fish in your aquarium. Discus fish is such a sensitive fish that need better treatment. You should replace the tank with the fresh water. Furthermore, you must take care of the level of water, too. The recommended water for the discus fish is acidic water with the constant pH level of 6.5 up to 7. 

3. Regulating the Water Temperature of your Aquarium 

You also need to regulate the water temperature of your aquarium. The water temperature needed for the discus fish is about 29 to 30 degrees Celsius (84 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit).

4. Quarantining the New Fish

You need to quarantine the new fish before putting them in the aquarium. The purpose of quarantining of the new fish is to avoid the parasites, bacteria, or any disease that may spread to the discus fish. Quarantine your new fish for about two to three weeks until the fish does not give any unhealthy signs.

5. Choosing the Right Food 

Choosing the right food is essential. Brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and worms are good food for the discus fish. However, beware of the food. It may spread the bacteria and parasites.

6. Placing Good Filter

Having the good filter in the tank is necessary, too. The function of the filter is to get rid of the chlorine and heavy metal. But, make sure that the filter does not affect the pH level of water.

7. Placing the Aquarium in Good Location

Put the aquarium in a calm place. The location of the aquarium is preferably quiet. The discus fish will be more stressful if it is exposed to the noise too much.

Those following ways are worth trying to maintain the life of discus fish. Good luck!


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