Congo Tetra fish disease - fish-hobbyist

Congo Tetra fish disease

The colorful Congo Tetra fish can lose color once they are attacked by disease. Get to know more about Congo Tetra fish disease to prevent them from happening.

Congo Tetra is one of the most commonly kept fish for aquarists. Congo Tetras are not fussy as long as the water quality, water temperature, and other parameters are suitable. However, when the water quality parameters are not met, they are susceptible to white spot, ich, impaired fins, skin flukes, parasitic infestations, and infections (worms, protozoa, etc.), ichthyobodo infection, bacterial infections, and sometimes losing color, especially if the temperature is too low. This article will help you to know more about Congo Tetra fish disease, how to prevent and treat it. 


Keep in mind that anything you put into your tank might introduce them to bacteria and parasites, for example, plants, decorations, other fish, and substrate. To prevent this from happening, clean the plants, decorations, and substrate carefully using a mix of distilled white vinegar and water. 

Especially for the new fish, quarantine for 14 days minimum before putting them into the Congo Tetras' tank. Therefore, the balance of the established tank can be maintained, and the new item will not introduce your finned friends to any disease. 


Ich is one of the most common skin diseases for aquarists. Some of the symptoms are:
Fish rub their body against rocks or other hard items 
Granular white spots are found on the body, fins, or head
If it gets worse, lethargy and redness
The body of the infected fish will be covered with granular white spots. The white spots are caused by parasites that enter the host's body and eat blood and dead epithelial cells. The parasites lead to irritation, swelling, and white cysts seen as granular white spots. Although the infected fish doesn't feel severe pain, it indeed is irritating for them. The early-stage usually goes unnoticed, but the severe case is easier to spot.


Do this for two weeks and keep an eye on any changes. 
Raise the temperature of the water
Stop carbon filtration during treatment
Replace the water in between the medication

Another option is to empty your tank and remove all your fish for 96 hours. Make sure that you keep the water temperature at 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the process. Without any host to attach to, ich tomites will die after 48 hours without their host. However, this solution is best applied when you have very few fish in your tank. 

The good thing is, Congo Tetras are quite resilient. The outbreak can be limited to just one or a few fishes if the disease is treated from an early stage. We hope that you can prevent them from happening by having a better knowledge about Congo Tetra fish disease. Make sure the best living condition is the one that resembles their natural habitat the most. The happier and more stress-free your fish are, the healthier they become!

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