How to Spawn Osteochilus vittatus Fish - fish-hobbyist

How to Spawn Osteochilus vittatus Fish

Spawning fish Osteochilus vittatus is quite easy to do, as long as you pay attention to the process. Here are the steps you need to take.

Osteochilus vittatus or known as ikan nilem is a native Indonesian commodity cultivated for a long time. The market welcomes this fish industry so well. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want to cultivate this Osteochilus vittatus. If you are interested in spawning fish Osteochilus vittatus, then look at the tips on how to grow Osteochilus fish below.


Although the actual spawning fish Osteochilus vittatus technology already exists, many Osteochilus vittatus farmers do hatcheries using traditional methods.

Male and female broodstock with matured gonads are placed simultaneously in a particular spawning pond (generally measuring 3x2 meters) equipped with plants or grasses to stimulate spawning. This spawning pond is connected to a hatching pond (4x2 meters) whose bottom is lined with sand or gravel.

Parent selection

The broodstock used in spawning a particular Osteochilus vittatus, usually weighs approximately 150-200 grams per head and is more than eight months old. The number of eggs produced ranges from 1500-2000 eggs per head. Take note that the parents should not be physically disabled, both in body shape and scales.

The ratio of male and female parents used in spawning is  6 males : 1 female. The number of male broodstock is caused by the long spawning time, around 6-7 hours.

The adult maintenance

The adult Osteochilus vittatus maintenance is done in an earthen pond with approximately 50m² areas. The broodstock used was 150 tails, with a weight range of around 150-200 grams per head.

Nilem broodstock was fed with the 2005 Djajasewaka Nilem Parent Formula, which contained 27% protein. Feed is given every six days in 1 week. The ratio of 2-3% of the weight of the biomass for three months of maintenance.

To avoid the occurrence of wild spawning, rearing male and female fish should be done separately.

Spawning process

Spawning is a process of releasing eggs by the female parent and sperm by the male parent, followed by fertilization. There is natural spawning, but it can be artificial too.

In artificial spawning, the gonads' egg cells have an average diameter of 1.1 mm. The farmer injects the ovulation using ovaprim with a dose of 0.6 ml/kg female parent weight. Meanwhile, the male broodstock was injected with an amount of 0.4 ml/kg male parent weight.

Sperm from male fish are collected by massaging them. Then, the semen was organized with a syringe and stored in a ranger solution. The ratio is about 1:10 and has a temperature condition of 4-5 degrees.

After the sperm is ready, the eggs are collected from the female parent by sequencing them.

Next, place the egg in a porcelain container and pour the sperm solution into it. Activate sperm by adding clean water in a container while stirring with chicken feathers.

Larva maintenance

The next step in breeding Osteochilus vittatus is raising the larvae. Fertilized eggs are hatched in a modified funnel of the McDonald's Jar system. The water supply to the horn is taken from filtered water.

Then, the larvae were reared for seven days, then transferred to the rearing pond. Whitefly larvae produced one week after the hatching process are harvested by flowing through the drain gate. However, this method is thought to cause a lot of loss of larval production because it mixes with fine sand to high mortality. Modifications using hapa can increase output by up to 70%.

It requires a serious step in spawning fish Osteochilus vittatus. However, the process is quite simple and easy to follow. You can try it to breed the fish and to gain benefits from this activity.

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