Types of Feed for Anabas Testudineus - fish-hobbyist

Types of Feed for Anabas Testudineus

Some feed for Anabas testudineus fish include Protozoans, Daphnia, Cyclops, Plea, Molluscs, Rotifers, fish fry, algae, and diatoms.

Also known as climbing perch or koi, anabas testudineus fish originated from Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, and Indonesia. In several countries, anabas testudineus fish is considered food. 

In the wild, they inhabit lakes, canals, marshes, swamps, rice paddies, puddles, and river channels. Their diets include crustaceans, insects, mollusks, algae, and diatoms. To learn more about feed for anabas testudineus fish, here is the information for you.


Protozoans are single-celled organisms inhabitant most aquatic environments. Protozoans are considered great live foods for fish, especially during larval stages. Protozoa like flagellates and ciliates contain big unsaturated fatty acids as well as asteroid. These two contents are great for promoting growth. 


Another live feed for anabas testudineus fish is daphnia. Daphnia is a tiny crustacean that looks like a flea. Daphnia is a common diet for fish that can boost the improvement in appearance. In addition, this live food can also improve the health and longevity of your climbing perch.


Just like daphnia, Cyclops is also a great live food to enhance appearance, especially anabas testudineus’ stunning natural color. Cyclops will create a more vibrant color to your fish tone and contain a high protein. In the fish markets, you will also be able to find Cyclops frozen food. 


A plea is one of the types of insects that are also consumed by anabas testudineus fish. It contains protein as well as fats and carbohydrates, which deliver energy. In their wild habitat, anabas testudineus fish eat hunt plea food and other insects such as insect pupae, ants, and Hapilus.


Molluscs which include Paludomus conica, Brotia  costula, pila globosa, and Bellamya bengalensis are also known as feed for anabas testudineus fish in their original habitat. Molluscs contain high nutritional composition and minerals. They are also a great source of sodium, iron, and calcium. 


Rotifers are microscopic animals, also known as wheel animalcules. Rotifers are usually offered to larvae. Rotifers can deliver great effects on fish growth. Rotifers also carry highly saturated fatty acids (HUFA). They also contain a nutritional value that depends on their weight.

Fish Fry

Because climbing perch is predominantly carnivorous, they also hunt fish fry or newborn fish for their diet. Fish fry can support your fish growth and natural color development. Besides, fish fry also contains high-quality nutrients that are high in minerals, vitamins, and trace elements. In addition to eating fish fry, climbing perch also eat fish eggs and fish scales.


Some algae become the ideal diet for anabas testudineus fish. Nowadays, you can easily purchase algae wafers. Most algae wafers offer high vegetable substances, vitamins, and pure culture spirulina. They also contain complete nutrition.


There are many benefits in feeding diatoms for you anabas testudineus fish. Diatoms have high-fat content and protein, which can enhance the growth of your fish. Putting diatoms in your tank is also good because it can increase oxygen.

Those are nine feed for anabas testudineus fish. Besides giving the best diet, maintaining the water quality is also important for the longevity of your climbing perch.

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