How to Spawn Anabas Testudineus Fish - fish-hobbyist

How to Spawn Anabas Testudineus Fish

One of the difficulties when spawning Anabas testudineus fish is differentiating the sexual dimorphism, which is almost impossible.

Anabas testudineus fish was first found in both fresh and saline water in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, and Thailand. In many markets in India and most south-east Asian countries, anabas testudineus fish is pricey. The request for this fish, which is also known as climbing perch or koi, is growing every day. In this article, we will share some useful information about spawning anabas testudineus fish. Read on!

Spawning Anabas Testudineus Fish

Details about the climbing perch’s reproduction are limited. It is because spawning anabas testudineus fish happens at night, in muddy water conditions, and most of the time during the rainy season. To put it simply, a field study of their reproduction is virtually impractical. Besides, the availability of anabas testudineus’ seed is also lacking. 

Even though a study about their reproduction is limited, there is already some useful information regarding a successful anabas testudineus’ breeding. An effort to induce breeding shows that the water condition plays an important role. Water temperature, pH, oxygen rate, and alkalinity are crucial during breeding.

Spawning Research

The data about spawning anabas testudineus fish contradict one another. Some studies indicate parental care, while others claim no form of parental care is seen. However, since anabas testudineus join a family inhabiting a basal place on the phylogenetic tree of the suborder, there is a big chance that parental care exists. 

In one research on the climbing perch’s reproduction, the breeder uses an aquarium whose walls and base have been protected with non-transparent material. It is meant to reduce the disturbance of your fish. The plastic material is put on the base. As for the water aeration, the breeder uses tank compressors. Water filtration and temperature rising are not necessary. Keep the water temperature between 26 to 31°ะก.

First, place four fish in one mating tank, one male fish and three female fish. You may find it difficult to differentiate between males and females because their sexual dimorphism is nearly impossible. That is why during spawning anabas testudineus fish the number of female fish is always bigger than the male.

There, you can observe the intermittent pattern of mating. To make sure the breeding is successful, the researcher injects chorionic gonadotropin hormones into the fish. The hormones are injected above the lateral line. The injection’s dose is 30 IU per 10 g of the climbing perch’s weight. 

Parental Care

According to the study, it is proven that climbing perches do not show any parental behavior. They do not prepare a nest or any spawning substrate. Once the eggs are laid, the mother and father do not protect their offsprings.

During the mating, male fish will chase the female and later snuggle them up, almost half of their body. When the female does not show any refusal reaction or try to escape, the male will show more aggressive behavior. The spawning climbing perches last from one to three hours.

Hopefully, the information above is useful. Although no parental care is shown during the spawning anabas testudineus fish, there is no specific feature that can be a barrier to it.

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