How to Spawn Apistogramma Cacatuoides Fish - fish-hobbyist

How to Spawn Apistogramma Cacatuoides Fish

Below, you will find useful information about spawning Apistogramma cacatuoides fish.

Apistogramma cacatuoides fish, also known as the cockatoo dwarf cichlid, Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlids, or simply Apistos, can be easily found on the sidestream of the Amazon River basin. Although capturing them is an easy task, many fish hobbyists love breeding this stunning species. To learn more about spawning Apistogramma cacatuoides fish, here is the info for you. 

Spawning Tank

When breeding Dwarf Cockatoo Cichlids, setting the perfect water temperature is the key to a successful one. Use a reliable aquarium test kit to ensure the water setup meets the required number. Keep the temperature at 76° F and the pH level at 5.0. Don’t let the water harness exceeds 4°.

The breeding tank should not be smaller than 20 gallons tank. You can start giving your fish live food like daphnia or bloodworms and frozen shrimp once a day. Make certain that only one male is in the tank because Apistos is pretty territorial. If you haven’t had bonding pair, try to put several females in the tank.

When you put the male fish into the tank, you will notice how female fish start flashing in front of the male. If the male fish responds, it will blaze its fins and jiggle.


When the bonding mate is ready to breed, you will notice the color change in both male and female fish. Male fish will become more vivid, while the female color gets yellower. Later, female fish will stay in the cave, declaring territory. The female fish will also persuade male fish into the cave to fertilize their eggs. 

Once the eggs are fertilized, the mother will become super protective of her eggs. You can turn down the light a little during this period. You can see that Apistogramma cacatuoides fish is a great parent at this time.

The mother will keep away any fish from going near her fry. Meanwhile, the father will guard the territory. When you feed them, the parents will chew on the food and later give it to the fry.

Taking care of the Fry

Within three days, the fry begins to grow bigger and can eat on its own. You can start giving them baby brine shrimp. Do not overfeed them because the fry can’t stand even the tiniest ammonia. 

You will see their dark stripes appear across their body after several weeks. Then, you can change their diet to frozen fish food or flakes. Transferring them to the main tank is now possible. 

Spawning Apistogramma cacatuoides fish is quite easy. The principal thing is that you keep the water temperament according to the setting mentioned above. 

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