Types of Feed for Apistogramma Cacatuoides Fish - fish-hobbyist

Types of Feed for Apistogramma Cacatuoides Fish

Apistogramma cacatuoides fish are not picky eaters and will be delighted to gobble up anything you give them. Some choices of feed for fish Apistogramma cacatuoides are below!

Apistogramma cacatuoides fish has become popular among fish hobbyists because of the stunning vivid yellow and red fins color. Besides their pretty figures, Apistogramma cacatuoides have various personalities, making them fascinating aquarium occupants. One of their most interesting traits is they will swim close to the glass when someone gets closer to the aquarium.

When it comes to their diet, Apistogramma cacatuoides fish is not picky as well. Here are some feed for fish Apistogramma cacatuoides that they will like.

Baby Brine Shrimp

Baby brine shrimp is a perfect feed for fish Apistogramma cacatuoides. Almost every fish care guide will recommend this super tiny live food. They are small saltwater crustaceans with high protein content. Since they are small, they can be digested quickly and easily. They can live in fresh water for half an hour or so. Giving baby brine shrimp will trigger the hunting instincts of your Apistogramma cacatuoides.

Glass Worms

Unlike bloodworms, glass worms are transparent. That is why most people call them ghost worms. Much like brine shrimp, glass worms are also very tiny, only about 0.5 to 0.75 inches. Glass worms are included in the larva midge genus Chaoborus. Giving this live food to your Apistogramma cacatuoides will give nutrition and enhance the health and color of your fish. 


Another best feed for fish Apistogramma cacatuoides is bloodworms. Bloodworms contain high protein, fat, and iron-rich. However, since bloodworms don't carry rich amino acids, just give this live food once or twice a week. Besides, giving your fish too many bloodworms can trigger constipation. When placing bloodworms into your aquarium, you can first clean them using tap water and a colander.


Dry pellets can warrant that your fish diet is balanced. There are many kinds of pellets you can choose from. Instead of buying floating pellets, opt for sinking pellets with high nutrition content. Most pellets contain protein, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. You can give your little buddies spirulina or brines shrimp pellets. 

Flake food

Another aquarium-prepared food besides pellets is flake food. Like pellets, you can easily grab flakes in almost any fish market. The basic ingredients of flakes are earthworms, spirulina, vitamins, minerals, shrimp meal, and fish meal. There are also options for vegetarian flakes. Combine flakes with living food because giving your fish too many flakes can also lead to constipation.


In the wild, Apistogramma cacatuoides fish are omnivores. So, start considering adding algae plants to your tank. Having algae in your tank allows these little showstoppers a chance to have fun while swimming and chew the kelp. Algae contain many great substances for your fish's health and growth. They contain high levels of calcium, iron, vitamins, magnesium, and iodine. 

Because Apistogramma cacatuoides fish are not picky when it comes to food and omnivores as well, try to vary their daily diet. All the above feed for fish Apistogramma cacatuoides are good choices for your Apistogramma cacatuoides. 

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