The Habitat of Auratus Cichlid Fish in Nature - fish-hobbyist

The Habitat of Auratus Cichlid Fish in Nature

Looking to adopt golden mbuna? This article talks about the habitat of the auratus cichlid fish in nature and gives some general facts. 

Auratus cichlid, also known by its scientific name, Melanochromis auratus, is a tiny fish that is kept as an ornament because of its striking golden hue and wonderful patterning of black and blue stripes.

It has a long body with spiky rays in the pectoral, dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins. Actually, all of these contribute to repelling potential predators. However, do you know where they came from, given the wide variety of their characteristics? So, here’s information about the habitat of the auratus cichlid fish that you can get.

The Natural Habitat

Cichlids belonging to the genus Auratus are indigenous to the stunning Lake Malawi in Africa. This fish was not found until 1897, making that the first year of its discovery. However, people have only had access to these fish commercially since 1958, in spite of the fact that they have existed for a very long time.

This species was given its name after it was first discovered, and the word auratus is Latin for golden. In the local Tonga language, they are often called mbuna, which can be described literally as fish that live in stones.

This particular fish prefers to live in stony environments. They usually dwelled in the depths of the pond, where there was an abundance of rocks all over them. Therefore, the rocky shores of Lake Malawi in Africa are known as the habitat of the auratus cichlid fish in nature.

These fish can also be found in the lake’s southern region, extending from the Jalo Reef to the north of Nkhota Kota and south along the western coast to the Crocodile Rocks. Unfortunately, you won’t find them on the east coast.

General Facts

Golden mbuna can reach a maximum length of twelve centimeters in their lifetime. It is known that this fish can live in an aquarium for approximately five years if given the correct care and food rich in nutrients.

These fish are hostile to other fish. When they feel the need to defend their area, they are capable of acting in a bad manner. They are not frightened of fish that are larger than them.

In addition, this fish has a nasty habit and can be aggressive toward other fish in their aquarium that shares a similar appearance. In light of this, a good rule of thumb is to maintain some other Malawi species with distinct colors and patterns at the same time.

That is the information that can be obtained for you regarding the habitat of the auratus cichlid fish as well as its general facts. The information on this page may help you better grasp what you need to know about it if you wish to keep it as an ornamental fish. We believe in your ability to care for this fish, even though it hails from a foreign land and has aggressive behavior.


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