Management of Tilapia aquaculture in Ponds - fish-hobbyist

Management of Tilapia aquaculture in Ponds

Management is a process that involves cooperation between individuals and groups and other resources in achieving common goals. This process includes planning, organizing, mobilizing, and supervising the efforts of organizational members and the use of organizational resources to achieve predetermined and planned goals.

Fish enlargement aquaculture is an activity carried out to increase the size of fish with the aim of increasing the production of cultivated fish.

Generally, the fish cultivated are consumer fish species such as Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Goldfish (Cyprinus carpio), Gurame (Osphronemus goramy), tawes (Puntitus Javanicus), catfish (Clarias sp), patin fish (Pangasius pangasius), tambakan fish (Helostoma temminckii), Nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) and mujair fish (Oreochromis mossambicus).

Tilapia fish seeds

Tilapia is a type of fish that has many benefits for humans. The advantages of Tilapia fish meat are: 

1. Tilapia meat contains fatty acids that are good for the human body. 

Tilapia contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which are good for heart health, help lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and reduce blood clots. 

2. Meat Tilapia is a source of protein.

Tilapia is high in protein. In addition, protein plays a role in various important functions in the body, such as helping to heal damaged tissues, aiding digestion, and balancing hormone levels in the body.

3. Tilapia meat is good for bones. 

The calcium content in tilapia is beneficial for bones. Tilapia consumption is a good way to maintain and improve bone health. Tilapia also contains a variety of nutrients that are beneficial for bone formation and maintenance to keep them strong and healthy, such as vitamin D, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Tilapia production management is a process of managing tilapia farming activities that include planning, organizing, directing, and supervising the resources owned in order to produce optimal tilapia production. Tilapia production management also covers from pond preparation to the fish harvesting process. Proper implementation of fish farming production management can increase the productivity and quality of tilapia.

Production management is one part of the existing management field that has a role in coordinating various activities to achieve goals. To organize these activities, it is necessary to make decisions related to efforts to achieve goals so that the goods and services produced are in accordance with what is planned.

To manage tilapia farming in ponds, there are several things that need to be considered. Here are some tips that can help you in managing tilapia farming in ponds:

1. Pond Preparation. 

Pond preparation activities are an important thing to do. Pond preparation activities include: 

a. Drying the pond soil.

Pond soil drying activities are carried out for approximately 3 days until the soil conditions are cracked. This activity aims to eliminate toxic compounds and eradicate pests and fish diseases. 

b. Turning the pond soil.

Turning the soil is done for 1 day. Turning the pond soil is done to remove toxic gases buried in the soil. 

c. Liming.

Liming is done for 1 day. Liming the pond soil is carried out with the aim of increasing the availability of nutrients so as to increase fisheries production and increase the pH value. 

d. Water filling.

Pond water filling can be done for 1 day. However, in general, pond water filling is done up to the desired limit and left for 4-7 days before the fish are stocked. This is done to allow the natural food to grow perfectly.

2. Tilapia Seed Selection. 

In order to get a tilapia harvest with the desired size and weight as planned, choose superior quality tilapia seeds. Generally, quality tilapia seeds are tilapia seeds that come from clear parents and offspring.  The minimum size is 5 cm and has 90% uniformity.

3. Stocking Tilapia Seeds.

Tilapia seed stocking should be done in the morning or afternoon when temperature conditions are low. When spreading the seeds, pay attention to the stocking density of the pond. The stocking density of tilapia seeds is 15-30 fish/m2.

4. Feeding. 

Feeding is done as early as 6 hours after the fish are stocked in the pond. The feed given is artificial feed in the form of floating pellets. 

5. Water Quality Monitoring. 

Good water quality is very important for the success of tilapia farming in ponds. Some water quality parameters that need to be considered in tilapia farming in ponds include:

a. Temperature 

The ideal water temperature for tilapia farming ranges from 25-30°C.

b. Dissolved Oxygen.  

The dissolved oxygen content in the pond water must be high enough, at least 5 ppm.

c. pH 

The ideal pH of pond water for tilapia aquaculture ranges from 6.5-8.5.

d. Brightness

The ideal pond water brightness for tilapia farming ranges from 20-30 cm.

Make sure to monitor and maintain the pond water quality regularly so that the environmental conditions remain in accordance with the needs of tilapia.

6. Harvesting Process. 

Harvesting is done after the tilapia reaches the desired size. The duration of tilapia rearing activities in soil ponds is 3 - 4 months. 

The management function in tilapia farming in ponds needs to be applied properly so that the desired goals can be achieved. Activities ranging from pond preparation, fish seed selection, seed stocking, feeding, water quality monitoring and harvesting activities need to be carried out in a planned manner and can be organized through clear division of tasks for each personnel. 

The division of the assignment of each personnel in each fish farming activity needs to be described in accordance with the job description. Evaluation also needs to be done to measure the level of success of the business and as an improvement material for the sustainability of the next business.

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