The technique of keeping Cryptoheros sajica fish in an aquarium - fish-hobbyist

The technique of keeping Cryptoheros sajica fish in an aquarium

The Cryptoheros sajica fish is a type of freshwater fish that lives in rivers and lakes in the Costa Rica area. This fish has a beautiful color and has seven faint lines on its body. Cryptoheros sajica fish have a peaceful character so Cryptoheros sajica fish are suitable to be kept by beginner ornamental fish hobbyists. Fish that have a peaceful character generally have the following characteristics: 

1. Non-aggressive, peaceful fish tend not to be aggressive towards other fish. 
2. Less active, peaceful fish tend to be less active and prefer to stay in their hiding places. 
3. Not fussy, fish that have a peaceful character are generally not fussy and are calmer in swimming. 

Cryptoheros sajica fish as a freshwater fish that has a beautiful body shape and color can be used as an ornamental fish kept in an aquarium.  Some of the requirements that must be met by fish in order to be used as ornamental fish include: 

1. Color, ornamental fish should have attractive and beautiful colors. 
2. Size, The ornamental fish should be of a size that suits the aquarium in which it is placed.
3. Shape, ornamental fish must have a unique and attractive body shape.
4. Health, ornamental fish must be healthy and have a body that is not deformed.

When we are going to start keeping Cryptoheros sajica fish in the aquarium, there are several things that need to be considered, namely: 

1. Aquarium 

To determine the ideal aquarium size, there are several factors to consider such as the number of fish, the type of fish, and the space available. The size of the aquarium to be used depends on the thickness of the aquarium glass.  Below will be explained how much the size of the aquarium based on the thickness of the glass to be used.

a. The size of the aquarium is 40 x 30 x 30 cm, so the thickness of the glass to be used is 4 mm. 
b. The size of the aquarium is 60 x 40 x 40 cm, so the thickness of the glass to be used is 5 mm.
c. The size of the aquarium is 80 x 40 x 40 cm, so the thickness of the glass to be used is 6 mm.

In the maintenance of Cryptoheros sajica fish, the amount of water volume required is 100 liters. 100 liters is equal to 0.1 M3. For an aquarium measuring 80 x 40 x 40 cm, the volume of the aquarium is 128,000 cm3. If the volume of the aquarium is 128,000 cm3 then the volume of the aquarium is equal to 0.128 m3 or 128 liters. If the amount of water needed to keep Cryptoheros sajica fish is 100 liters, an aquarium with a size of 80 x 40 x 40 cm can be used to keep fish.

2. Fish to be reared

Cryptoheros sajica fish that will be kept must of course be healthy and beautiful to the eye. The following are the characteristics of Cryptoheros sajica fish that are good for keeping in an aquarium. 

a. Healthy fish with no defects.
b. Fish have agile movements.
c. Fish have bright colors. 
d. The fish has intact fins, the fins are not damaged and not torn.
e. When the fish is fed, the Cryptoheros sajica fish responds to the feed given.

3. Water quality.

The aquarium water to be used must be of good quality. Some water quality parameters that need to be considered are pH, water hardness and temperature. 

a. pH of water.

The pH of aquarium water is an important parameter that must be considered in keeping fish in it. The ideal pH value to support the growth of fish and other organisms in the aquarium is between 6 - 7.5 for freshwater fish aquariums and 7.5 - 8.5 for seawater aquariums. The pH value of water for keeping Cryptoheros sajica fish is 6.8. 

To keep the pH of aquarium water stable, there are several things you can do such as routinely cleaning dirt and fish food scraps, aerating aquarium water and changing aquarium water regularly. 

b. Water hardness level. 

The hardness level of water refers to the content of minerals such as calcium and magnesium in the water. The higher the concentration of these minerals, the harder the water. The water hardness level value for keeping Cryptoheros sajica fish is 10. 

 c. Temperature.

Aquarium water temperature is very important to maintain the health of fish and other organisms in it. The ideal temperature for freshwater fish aquariums ranges from 24.5°C - 27.5°C, while for marine fish aquariums, the ideal temperature ranges from 23°C - 28°C. The aquarium water temperature required to keep Cryptoheros sajica fish is 26°C. 

To keep the aquarium water temperature stable, there are several things that can be done such as installing a water heater, installing a fan or water cooler, adding ice cubes to the aquarium water, and adjusting the room temperature around the aquarium.

4. Fish feed

Cryptoheros sajica fish like live food such as live worms, but in its maintenance in the aquarium this fish can also be given artificial feed in the form of pellets. This artificial feed is widely sold in ornamental fish shops. 

Some things you need to pay attention to when feeding fish, namely :

a. Pay attention to the nutritional content. 

The protein content of fish feed must also be met so that the fish do not lack protein. Cryptoheros sajica fish need feed with a protein content of 32-40%.

b. Feeding should be given at the right dose and not too much feed.

It is feared that too much feed is not eaten by the fish so that the remaining feed that is not eaten by the fish will cause a decrease in water quality.   

5. Aquarium equipment.

To keep the water quality good, aquarium equipment such as aerators, water filters and water heaters need to be installed in the aquarium. The three tools have different functions. The aerator serves to increase dissolved oxygen into the aquarium, the water filter serves to filter out dirt and feed residue that is not eaten by the fish and the aquarium warmer serves to keep the aquarium water temperature stable. 

6. Aquatic plants, rocks and aquarium lights. 

The aquarium environment that will be used as a place to live for Cryptoheros sajica fish must be comfortable. If the living environment is comfortable, the fish will not be stressed. Aquatic plants and rocks installed in the aquarium can be a medium favored by Cryptoheros sajica fish. In addition, these plants and rocks can create aquarium environmental conditions similar to the conditions in which fish live in nature. 

Aquarium lights can also be installed in the aquarium. When this aquarium lamp is turned on, the aquarium will look beautiful and the color of the fish will look brighter. The aquarium lamp installed in the Cryptoheros sajica fish rearing aquarium should have a moderate level of lighting. 

7. Draining and cleaning the aquarium. 

This aquarium draining and cleaning activity serves to keep the aquarium clean and the aquarium water quality good. With a clean aquarium and optimal water quality, the Cryptoheros sajica fish that are kept will remain healthy. 

Cryptoheros sajica fish have a habit of swimming under the aquarium section, in the middle of the aquarium section and above near the surface of the aquarium water. this fish reproduces by laying eggs. Cryptoheros sajica fish can grow up to 10 cm in length.

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