Techniques for maintaining Aphyosemion australe fish in an aquarium - fish-hobbyist

Techniques for maintaining Aphyosemion australe fish in an aquarium

Aphyosemion australe fish is a type of freshwater fish that has a beautiful color. Aphyosemion australe fish has an orange color with a unique and attractive body shape.

Aphyosemion australe fish is a type of small fish, this fish has a body length of 4 cm. In the environment where it lives, Aphyosemion australe fish like environments with moderate lighting levels.

In the process of breeding, Aphyosemion australe fish breed by laying eggs. As a fish hobbyist who wants to keep Aphyosemion australe fish at home, this Aphyosemion australe fish can be kept in an aquarium.

In order for Aphyosemion australe fish to be kept healthy in the aquarium, 9 (nine) things must be considered, namely:
1. Water used to maintain Aphyosemion australe fish has a pH value of 6.5.
2. The aquarium water used has a hardness level of 3.
3. The water temperature in the aquarium has a value of 25 C.
4. The amount of aquarium water used to maintain Aphyosemion australe fish is 40 liters.
5. In maintenance activities in the aquarium, Aphyosemion australe fish can be fed in the form of live worms.
6. Lights can be installed in aquariums, Aphyosemion australe fish in nature like aquatic environments with moderate lighting levels, therefore the lights used in aquariums must have moderate lighting levels, not bright and not too dim.
7. Aphyosemion australe fish is a benign type of fish so that Aphyosemion australe fish can be maintained by novice fish hobbyists.
8. Aquatic plants are very suitable to be installed in an aquarium because Aphyosemion australe fish like the aquatic environment with aquatic plants that grow around the environment.
9. Aphyosemion australe fish kept in aquariums have a habit of swimming on the surface, in the middle and at the bottom.

Those are some things we need to know when going to maintain Aphyosemion australe fish in an aquarium. The above article can be used as a basis for fish hobbyists to start maintaining Aphyosemion australe fish in an aquarium.

Hopefully this short article can be useful for fish hobbyists.

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