Rainbowfish Disease - fish-hobbyist

Rainbowfish Disease

Meta-description: Pay attention the rainbowfish disease that might occur to your beloved fish.

Who can resist the beauty of the rainbowfish? The rainbow color and the silvery background of this tiny fish will melt everyone’s heart. Its natural act of schooling actively is also a good attraction in your tank–unless when it suffers for several diseases.

Just like other fish, rainbowfish can also suffer for many serious diseases, and it won't only give the bad impact to its fascinating color, but also to their life. So, if you want to keep the rainbowfish seriously, you have to understand the rainbowfish disease that might happen to them:

1.    Delayed growth 

The delayed growth can happen to the rainbowfish that is infected by the Lernea sp. or the anchor worm. The anchor worm will stick to the fish body and will eat like a parasite. The anchor worm can come from other fish or from the dirty ornaments of the tank.

2.    Phlegm on the gills

If you find the phlegm on the rainbowfish’s gills, you have to take it seriously. Because it means that your rainbowfish is already infected with the bacteria. The common bacteria that infect the rainbowfish are Pseudomonas and Aeromonas. The bacteria can lead your rainbowfish into several serious problems such as the loss of appetite. It can also bring them to death.

3.    Soft hair on the fish body

The body of the rainbowfish must be slick. Therefore, if you find the soft hairs grow in the body of your rainbowfish, it means that your rainbowfish is infected with the mold. The mold can grow due to the dirt or the opened scar. So, you have to heal the scar immediately and clean the fungus.

4.    The dull color

A rainbowfish mush has a shiny and colorful body. If the color of its body getting dull, then there must be some problems with it. Either it is covered by dirt, or maybe it gets infected. Moreover, if you find the phlegm also in their body. There might be a chance that Costia necatrix parasite has infected them.

5.    White spots in the gills

If you find some white spots in the gills and in the fin, maybe your rainbowfish has infected by the parasite call Ich (Ichthyopthirius multi fillis). It is a very serious disease because the parasite can eat the red blood cells of the rainbowfish. The disease must be healed in the early time, because, if the parasite has grown up, the rainbowfish cannot be healed and it will lead them to death.

Those are the common diseases that might happen to your rainbowfish. In order to make the rainbowfish disease not getting serious, you have to pay attention to them every day. And if you find the signs above, do the treatment to the fish immediately, and separate them from the other healthy fish.

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