How to Breed Butterikoferi Cichlid Fish - fish-hobbyist

How to Breed Butterikoferi Cichlid Fish

The breeding of Buttericoferi Cichlid fish is a spawning system where the parents scatter eggs in the surroundings and care for them until they become fry.

Butterikoferi Cichlid Fish is freshwater fishes with their native habitat in the river systems of Western Africa from Guinea-Bissau to Liberia. They are also widely known as Zebra Tilapia, Talapia butterkoferi, or African Talapia. Even being very aggressive, aquarium hobbyists love to keep them for a show for their pretty vivid color and hardy. 

Nowadays, more people breed this species. Here, we will discuss the breeding of Buttericoferi Cichlid fish. Keep reading.

Breeding System

In the world of African Cichlids, there are two types of breeding systems, namely mouth-brooding and substrate spawning. What are mouth-brooders? In short, mouth-brooders are spawning systems where the male or female jolts the eggs in their mouth for two weeks or more once they are fertilized. 

As for substrate spawning, the process is simply scattering the eggs in the surroundings without any specialized reproductive structures. This Zebra Tilapia is a substrate spawner.

Substrate Spawning

During the breeding of Buttericoferi Cichlid fish, both the male and female can be very aggressive. They will lay their eggs on any surface in the tank, such as the top of your tank decoration, a leaf, dried branches, or even the tank glass.

Once the eggs are scattered, one parent or both of them will care for the eggs. The male or female will drive away any fish that approaches their eggs, make sure the eggs get enough oxygen, and remove them if there are slight signs of mold.

Mostly, the female takes a role for the eggs caring while the male guards the territory. Some Cichlids species will have a male who protects multiple brooding females, also known as harem polygyny. The care will continue after the fry becomes free-swimming.

Speeding Up Breeding Process

If you want to quicken the breeding of Buttericoferi Cichlid fish, here are some tips:

1. Because Talapia butterkoferi is a freshwater fish, make sure the water is clean during the spawning. Do not conduct a sudden water change because it may stress your fish, leading to a weaker immune system.
2. Set the water pH level at 8.0.
3. Do not let the water be too cold because Tilapia won’t breed if the water is cold.
4. Light is also important. Keep your aquarium in the dark
5. Place them into a separate tank during the breeding process.
6. Once the eggs are released, make sure the water temperature is around 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Lower temperatures can weaken the eggs or even make them die.
7. Feed them two times a day with bread crumbs, earthworms, or termites.
8. Keep the fry away from their parent or bigger Talapia butterkoferi.

The breeding of Buttericoferi Cichlid fish is fascinating to see as you can see the great care the female fish give to the eggs. Make sure to pay attention to the tank set up to create a perfect breeding environment.

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